Hello knitting friends!
Among my resolutions for 2007 (next to reading more, taking one professional development course, and generally being a kinder person) is to get *organized* with my knitting. This means:
-Fewer impulse yarn buys - more conscious stash management!
-Actually *finishing* more projects instead of ripping out 10 times before finally giving up
-Knit more of my own clothes and knit more gifts for others
-Doing some charity knitting
I also want to incorporate other crafts into my repertoire, too. I have been looking for inspiration in books, magazines, and on the web, and there are two publication that consistently deliver & I really want to share with you: knitty.com and CRAFT: Magazine.
Knitty is a quarterly web publication with so many fun patterns, I can't list all my favorites here. A highlight from the current issue is the binary scarf.
CRAFT: is a new magazine, only on its second issue, but it's so exciting and very different than anything else out there. In the current issue, there are articles on a crew of urban knitting taggers, an online museum of neuroscience needlecraft art, and some fabulous Star Wars Fair Isle pattern charts!!!
OK, that's enough sharing for today - I'd love to know what's getting you excited about knitting and creating in general!