I realize there are roughly a million bag tutorials out on the internet, but I'm adding one more to the mix. I made some bags as gifts for Christmas and didn't write down a single thing. I decided to make some more and thought I should keep track of the process this time if I ever wanted to do it again. I apologize for my horrible pictures; one day I'll buy a better camera. So, here's my first tutorial. Hopefully it will make sense!
Materials:You will need fabric for the bag and a liner. I bought a yard of each fabric and had plenty to spare.
scrap fabric for pocket (optional)
matching thread
interfacing (optional)
2 pieces of 15x17 for the front and back panel
2 pieces of 6x17 for the side panels
1 piece of 6x15 for the bottom panel
2 pieces of 2x24 for the handles

Finished measurements are: 14(w)x16(h)x5(d) with 1.5"x 23" handlesAll seams are 1/2", except for handles, which are 1/4"
Iron interfacing onto pieces before starting.
1. With right sides together, sew one piece of the bag fabric and one piece of the liner together.
2. Stitch along the long edge of each side, forming a tube.
3. Turn the right side of the handle out, and press.
4. Top stitch the handle for a nice finish.

The short edges will still be unfinished. That's ok since they will be sewn into the bag later.
1. Pin and sew the sides to the bottom, forming one long strip of fabric.

2. Press seams out.
3. With right sides together, pin the front panel to the strip, being careful to match corners.
The corners are a bit hard to navigate. I like to line up the bottom of the front/back panel with the bottom of the bag first. Then I pin the two sides, leaving the corners loose for turning while I sew.4. Start sewing the front panel to the side.

5. About a 1/2" before the edge, with the needle in the down position, lift footer and turn the fabric so the bottom is ready to sew, making sure there's still a 1/2" seam allowance.
6. Do the same for the other corner.
7. Press all seams out and trim the corner so there's less bulk once it's turned in again.
8. Repeat all these steps for the liner.
Before sewing the liner, add a pocket of any size.
Optional pocket:1.Take two pieces of fabric, equal size.
2. With right sides together, sew around the edge, leaving an opening suitable for turning the fabric out.
3. Turn so the right sides are out. Press.
4. Attach pocket to one front/back panel. Sew three sides, forming a pocket. At the same time, make sure you position the opening so it is also sewn shut.
Sewing the bag together:1. Place the bag, right side out, inside the liner, which is wrong side out. Essentially, you're putting right sides together.

2. Before pinning the two pieces together, stick the handles inside.
3. Sandwich the handles inside the layers with matching fabrics touching each other.
I placed the handles about 3" in from the edges. Be sure not to twist the handles.

4. Line up the corners of the bag and pin.

5. Sew around the top of the bag, going over the handles a couple of times to reinforce them.
Be sure to leave an opening to turn the bag.6. Turn the bag so the right sides are out.

7. Then stick the liner inside the bag.
8. Press the top to form a nice edge.
9. Top-stitch the top of the bag.
You're done!