I think I've thoroughly documented my love/hate relationship with socks. I've decided to explore the magic loop technique to see if it's any easier. I've never attempted this before only because I don't want to buy multiples of the same size needles. I have enough needles as it is. Well, I had to buy a super long no.2 needle for some edging on a sweater once (and I didn't really need it when it was all said and done). I had this seemingly useless needle just taking up room in my needle case so I looked into magic loop on one needle...and now I've started a new pair of socks:
I'm knitting them toe-up, which wasn't that hard to start on one needle. I think this needle is around 40 inches, and I wish it was a tad longer, but they're Addi Turbo so the plastic is super flexible and it's only a little tight ---not enough for me to buy another needle at least!
I have a whole bag of this yarn from last fall's Smiley's Yarn Riot. Two socks started, ten to go!