I thought I'd post what I've been working on lately. It's been a while! First, I finished the baby crew sweater that I started a couple weeks ago. It turned out really cute. I wish I knew a baby to model it!

Second, a couple of weeks ago I went to Old Navy and found a really horrific jumper (for only $6) made out of the exact color green corduroy that I've been scouring Joanne Fabrics for. So, I bought an XXL and used it to make a skirt. I wish I would have taken a picture of the jumper. It could have been a really cute above the knee jumper, but it flared out so much that it looked like a mumu.

Anyway, here is the jumper transformed into a basic A-line skirt. I thought I'd be cool and model it (I'm not sure if I'm pulling off the boots though...) I used another skirt of mine that I really like as the basic template and I added a cute fabric to the yoke on the inside (because I'm all about cute details...I'm a sucker for things that other people won't see...)
That's it for finished projects but I'm working on some other things (and getting great ideas for Christmas presents...) so hopefully I'll have a new post soon.
Holy Jesus, girl! I love the skirt, love the green, love the waist detail, love the purple tights, love the boots! Also love the cardboard kitty entertainment center in the background.
Argh! That camera really picked up on my messy apartment! I must remember to stage pictures better!
You goof! It wasn't a criticism - I really *do* love the kitty thing. I'm going to copy it for my kitties!
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