I'm finally getting around to showing off a couple of things I recently finished. I was asked to make both of these items. The first is a simple scarf. The yarn was not so simple. I'm a bad knitter and didn't even keep the label so I could mark what yarn it was. It was a pain to knit with though. I couldn't decide on a pattern for the scarf. I wanted something that had a little more style than a simple garter stitch, but I also felt like the yarn was the important part, not the design. I eventually decided on
this pattern. Once I got into the pattern, it was quick to knit. And this picture doesn't do the yarn justice--it's actually quite colorful and sparkly.

The next item is a baby blanket/quilt. I was given all the supplies and the task to sew together a blanket with batting. I put it together like a pillow and followed the instructions I used for my knitted blanket backing. It worked out ok, with very little shifting. I then decided to practice a little hand-stitching and blanket stitched the caterpillar on and used a chain stitch for the legs and antennae. The hand-stitching went quicker than I imagined, and there was enough there for me to practice precision, something I'm not very patient at.

You may also notice a little (or not so little) knitted caterpillar toy with the blanket...I had
this pattern I wanted to try, and thought that it was the perfect opportunity to do so! I actually doubled the pattern size, mainly because I have a TON of stuffing that I want to use up....I'm tired of it sitting around my apartment. Also, big toys are fun. I used a Caron acrylic yarn so the toy can be washed easily.

Finally, this isn't a request by anyone, but I was inspired by the erstwhile Tippi to start a scrap blanket. I have a ton of green yarn and thought I'd start by using some of that up. I also have brown in abundance so I might throw in brown and off-white. I can't wait to start it. Unfortunately, I'm starting a summer internship on top of my full-time job so knitting, sewing and all around crafting is probably going to be on the back burner this summer. Hopefully I'll have something to post though!