Yes, that's my couch upholstery - don't be jealous. Today I had jury duty, and while waiting all day (didn't get called to serve) I worked on the Tree of Life blanket. I got through 3/4 of the Flower Garden section, and finished the first of the three balls of Wool-Ease Sportweight I have to use for this project. I don't think I'll have enough to finish, since there are 4 repeats of trees in all and 3 Flower Gardens! Might have to leave out 1 repeat of each, or if that doesn't make a big enough blanket, I can hunt down an extra ball or two after my yarn diet ends in mid-July.
Edited to add: I double-checked and it's only 2 Flower Gardens & 3 Tree repeats! I should be OK for the body of the blanket but might have to simplify the border, which I'd rather do than buy more yarn. Also, I had jury duty again (and still didn't get called - civic duty = done for the next four years!) and finished the first Flower Garden, the next dividing section, and started the next Trees!
Wow! Your knitting speed constantly amazes me! I am sad to see Tippi go though :(
Ha ha! Yes, so was I...but I felt I should consolidate my online identities. I was getting confused!
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