First, I think my first new resolution should be to post more often! I always set out with the best intentions and something sidetracks me. I'm too busy creating and not documenting enough. One non-knitting goal I have for myself this year is to photograph the world around me more, and I'm sure my knitting will feature prominently in that endeavor.
Second, I will no longer buy yarn for imaginary projects, even charity baby items. I have a very small space to store yarn and most of it is taken up with bad yarn choices. I have reached a point where I need to bag all the yarn up and walk into a random knitting group, slip in beside someone else's chair, and walk away slowly. I have so many better creations to work on.
Third, I need to organize my queued projects and prioritize. I might work on Ravelry to make this happen, but at this point I'm not sure I want to fully jump into that community.
As for non-knitting resolutions...
I hope to dabble in embroidery a little this year.
I've made some progress with sewing and I want to keep that up. Limited time and space really are hard to work with though.
And finally (and I've been wishing for this for a while), I want a room of my own (but since I just renewed my crappy apartment lease, I don't think that'll happen this year).
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