-Fewer impulse yarn buys - more conscious stash management!
Well...I did alright on this one. I tried to buy mostly sale yarns and to buy sweater quantities to encourage more garment knitting.
-Actually *finishing* more projects instead of ripping out 10 times before finally giving up.
I haven't gone back and counted my finished projects, and while I'm sure I was more productive than in the past I still had too many impulsive project starts and subsequent rejections.
-Knit more of my own clothes and knit more gifts for others.
Again, did better perhaps than in previous years but there's a lot of room for improvement.
-Do some charity knitting.
A community service group I belong to at my work did a hat knitting project in December - 26 hats for a men's shelter in our neighborhood!
My hopes for 2008 are high, and my project list is long, including lots more than just knitting. In general, this is my challenge: this year, how can I be more creative, more productive, and less wasteful? I want to think about these questions in all areas of life - crafting, eating, work, shopping & spending, etc. With regard to knitting in particular, I have begun to develop a list of specific project goals and sketch out a timeline for getting them done. I've resolved to buy no new yarn or clothes for 6 months in an effort not only to economize but also to focus on working with the materials I already have to create new clothes (or refashion old ones). And charity knitting is still a goal, both with the group at work and on my own.
Here is my last project of 2007 - the 6-stitch-per-inch Basic Socks from Getting Started Knitting Socks. I used one strand each of gray Wool-Ease Sportweight and brown sock yarn, and they turned out warm & well-fitting. They were very fast to knit, too.
1 comment:
How fast did you finish those socks? Great job! I am shamed. :O(
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