Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ongoing projects, etc.

My camera came out of its coma (faker!) so here are some progress photos of the yellow bag and pink sweater:

Top: The bag, still without handle. Middle: The inside of the bag, not lined yet. (Note kitty paws in upper left corner - my contribution in the "obligatory cat shot" category.) I sewed in strips of flexible plastic canvas to give the bag more shape and structure. I made a fair number of small changes here and there to the pattern, and I'm really happy with it so far. I just need the right fabric for the lining now. Bottom: The back of the pink sweater. The sleeves look funny - they are supposed to be slightly puffed cap sleeves but I'll believe it when I see it and will proceed cautiously with the front now.

In other news, I got the spring issues of both Knit.1 and Interweave Knits! Knit.1 is becoming less brash - trying (a little) less hard to be terribly hip, and the current issue probably has the greatest number of makeable/wearable pattterns yet. Interweave Knits is always great, but they've changed their layout and I'm not quite used to it but think it's an improvement. There are more photos of each project now, which I like.

And finally, is less knitting-related news (though there is a connection later), I want to tell you guys about my awesome new lunchbox! I've had it for 2 weeks now and it's so great - fun to use and saving me lots of money. My only complaint is that I'm not crazy about the carrying case, so I want to knit a new one, plus one for the small lunch jar thermos got to go with it. I'll be sure to post whatever I eventually come up with.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Knitting Tunes & TV

Well, my digital camera is broken (wah!) so I can't post the progress photos of my yellow bag and pink sweater, but I still wanted to post something, so I thought I'd ask everyone what they usually have on the TV or stereo while they're knitting.

For me it's been LOTS of Arrested Development, mixed in with various other Netflixed TV series. I also *love* the News Hour with Jim Lehrer and PBS in general. I save my music listening for the subway, but at home I love to listen to public radio podcasts while I'm knitting. My favorite shows are Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Radio Lab, This American Life, Living on Earth, and To the Best of Our Knowledge. I've only recently discovered NPR/PRI podcasts and I love them because I so seldom remember to catch the shows I like at their regular broadcast times.
