Saturday, January 26, 2008

Leg Warmers

I had a special request for leg warmers for a potty-training toddler who likes to wear dresses but whose mom hated the hassle of dealing with tights at potty time. I forgot to photograph the first pair I made; they were made with crazy bright yarn and were just 2x2 ribs tubes. For these, I used Berroco Comfort Yarn, which is very soft & machine washable, and made it up as I went along. I started at the bottom with 40 stitches, then gradually increased to 48. I used my forearm as a rough approximation of a toddler's leg. I didn't make them a perfect match because the request stated explicitly that the leg warmers should be "funky," and this was the only way I knew to make pastels funky.

1 comment:

Rita Chenowith said...

Could these be any cuter? I love them! They're such a great idea.