Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Projects follow-up

It's been a little crazy in Rita's world lately but I thought I'd post some follow-up pictures to my Christmas knitting frenzy. Here are the mittens all felted:

The trigger finger hole worked out ok--I guess we'll find out next fall when my dad tries the mittens out.

Here's the bag I knitted for my mom:

This is actually the Felted Stripe Tote from One Skein by Leigh Radford. It's not felted yet.

And here is the project I'm currently working on, my first sweater:

I've actually knitted all of the body and am currently working on the sleeves.
One of my New Year's goals is to not buy anymore yarn until I finish this sweater. It's looking kind of lame right now, but once I block it, maybe it'll turn into the totally cool sweater I dreamed about.

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