Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tree of Life update

Yes, that's my couch upholstery - don't be jealous. Today I had jury duty, and while waiting all day (didn't get called to serve) I worked on the Tree of Life blanket. I got through 3/4 of the Flower Garden section, and finished the first of the three balls of Wool-Ease Sportweight I have to use for this project. I don't think I'll have enough to finish, since there are 4 repeats of trees in all and 3 Flower Gardens! Might have to leave out 1 repeat of each, or if that doesn't make a big enough blanket, I can hunt down an extra ball or two after my yarn diet ends in mid-July.

Edited to add: I double-checked and it's only 2 Flower Gardens & 3 Tree repeats! I should be OK for the body of the blanket but might have to simplify the border, which I'd rather do than buy more yarn. Also, I had jury duty again (and still didn't get called - civic duty = done for the next four years!) and finished the first Flower Garden, the next dividing section, and started the next Trees!


Rita Chenowith said...

Wow! Your knitting speed constantly amazes me! I am sad to see Tippi go though :(

Little Lugs said...

Ha ha! Yes, so was I...but I felt I should consolidate my online identities. I was getting confused!