Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hello 2009

Happy New Year!

This is what I wrote last year around this time:

With regard to knitting in particular, I have begun to develop a list of specific project goals and sketch out a timeline for getting them done. I've resolved to buy no new yarn or clothes for 6 months in an effort not only to economize but also to focus on working with the materials I already have to create new clothes (or refashion old ones). And charity knitting is still a goal, both with the group at work and on my own.

My crafting goals for last year were a bit vague, it's true. Having a project list, and starting a separate blog to track gift-making, really improved my crafting productivity and helped me achieve my goal of giving more handmade gifts. A couple of times I broke my resolution to give up yarn and clothes buying for six months, but the offending acts were pretty minor and once the deadline passed, I continued to exercise considerably more restraint in these areas than I've shown in the past. And I did participate in two charity crafting projects through work, in addition to doing one project on my own. I had planned a second solo project for 2008 but it's not done - I'm aiming to finish this month and send a box of knit hats to a local shelter.

So...2009. I want to make a quilt with the old clothes I've been saving. I want to continue crafting for charity - 2 solo projects. I want to knit a sweater for myself. And I want to improve on my handmade gift-giving - start planning earlier, and diversify by learning a new craft. Sounds do-able, right?

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