Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Year in review

I really fell off the blogging bandwagon this past fall, but school is now done and I can concentrate fully on crafting and blogging. I thought I'd start with a mosaic of my finished objects in 2008. I made quite a few things for my nephew! Despite my hectic final semester, I managed to create a couple handmade gifts as well.

There were several things I created at the end of the year that I never blogged about. One was a sweater for my cousin. I had her name for the family gift exchange. And inexplicably, I forgot to document it! I decided to make Flint Knit's February Lady Sweater. I used Cascade 220 for the yarn. It knit so fast and I think it turned out really well. I want to make one for myself now.

Other items I made for various gifting needs were: a toy alpaca, a felted rug, a lunch sack, and a reusable Target bag. I fused Target bags together and tried to recreate the real bag Target advertised earlier in the year. Stay tuned for my 2009 goals!

1 comment:

Little Lugs said...

An impressive output for 2008, especially considering you were working AND going to school full time! I have got to try that mosaic thing. Oh, and I have the February sweater in my Ravelry queue I detect a 2009 knit-along?